Kneat to Exhibit at KenX CSV & Software Assurance University 2021

Events : 6 Dec 2021

KenX CSV & Software Assurance University 2021

The KenX CSV & Software Assurance University takes place in San Diego from 6th-8th December 2021. 

With FDA’s heightened focus on Software Assurance and Data Integrity – Computer Systems Validation has taken on a new movement initiated by regulatory authorities. In fact, FDA has taken the lead with proposed guidance on Computer Software Assurance and is asking firms to rethink their approach. Inspectors continue to discover serious findings such as – interrupted, missing, deleted, and lost data; inadequate records for risk analysis; failure to exercise appropriate controls, and much more. The time has never been more critical to evaluate and ensure your organization has top-notch compliant procedures. Kneat Solutions is excited to exhibit at this exciting event, come visit us and chat with our validation experts. We look forward to seeing you there!

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