Join us at the 2020 ISPE CaSA Technology Conference
27th Annual ISPE-CaSA Technology Conference, March 10, Durham, NC
ISPE-CaSA 27th Annual Life Sciences Technology Conference, March 10, will be held in Durham, North Carolina
ISPE CaSA is celebrating the 27th Annual Life Sciences Technology Conference March 10, 2020. The conference truly represents people behind the scenes who work tirelessly each day to deliver drugs to patients with life-threatening illnesses. The event takes place over the course of one day and is comprised of educational seminars, product demonstrations, vendor exhibits, a keynote speaker, and a networking social event. From conference proceeds, ISPE-CaSA funds educational programs for industry and contributes financial support towards featured charities and foundations. This year’s conference will capture innovative technologies and industry best practices that have been recently developed and employed to successfully meet the growing complexities of drug manufacturing. ISPE members as well as non-members are welcome!
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