Kneat 2022: Year in Review

News : 17 Jan 2023

As a new year begins it’s a time to reflect on the year that’s passed, and what an incredible year it was here at Kneat. We said goodbye to our old offices in Limerick and hello to more than 100 new colleagues. We launched several new product features, events, and expanded the availability of our shares. At Kneat, we’re always striving to develop the best possible solutions for regulated companies, and our efforts throughout 2022 had several noticeable outcomes for our industry network, customers and partners. Let’s look back at a few of these amazing achievements.


Continued Excellence

We remain a remarkably consistent high-performing company. We experienced our fifth consecutive quarter of record annual recurring revenue (ARR) growth. We continued to be one of the fastest growing companies in Ireland, being recognized for a second year in a row on the coveted Deloitte Technology Fast 50 list with another Top 5 placement.


New Teammates

This kind of growth can’t happen without extra help. In March of 2022—with Taoiseach Micheál Martin looking on—we announced plans to hire 100 new positions, a goal we were able to surpass. We finished the year with over 260 people across the company, working from around the world—an increase of over 100 people, or a 33% growth.

In October, we were able to meet many of these new faces as much of the company came together for in-person meetings and a 5K walk/run to raise funds for the Milford Care Center. Together, we walked over 500KM and were able to donate over €5,000 to the center!


Industry Leadership

We’re more than a platform and 2022 was a banner year for Kneat, our partners, and our mission to help empower companies to make the safest, most effective products by streamlining validation. We launched an industry-defining survey, with never-before-seen insights into the challenges, trends, and demands affecting validation professionals around the world.

In November, we also launched VALIDATE, a defining event for Kneat and the industry as a whole. With over 150 attendees, Kneat hosted experts from the top life sciences, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Kneat’s own experts to deliver significant value to all those in attendance. These efforts and their success underscore Kneat’s reputation as the leader in digital validation.


Stock Expansion

Earlier this year Kneat expanded its public presence by making shares available in two additional areas: the over-the-counter stock market (OTCQX) and the U.S. Depository Trust Company (DTC). This expansion increases Kneat’s visibility with U.S. investors. Kneat continues to trade common shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX).


2023 Looks Bright

In the coming year, we will build off the momentum and hard work from everyone across the company, delivering expanding product offerings, more events, and even more Kneat team members to welcome. Thank you to everyone for making 2022 such an incredible year!


About the Author

Tristan Worden – Senior Content Marketing Strategist, Kneat

Tristan has over a decade of experience communicating complex ideas to both general and specific audiences with almost five years in the compliance and validation sector. He is passionate about ensuring validation professionals have the information they need to do their jobs effectively.




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